Remember, the more information I receive, the better this publication becomes. Write TimKBear on AOL or on the 'net with any news you might be able to offer.
" V," as far as the original miniseries at least, is out on video. I'm told most video stores are carrying it. The four-hour mini was one of the most successful mini's, especially at the time it came out, for the mini was in a state of decline at the time.
That CBS/QVC merger I was so excited about? Well, it was almost as big a disappointment as "The Shadow!" Other interests started bidding and CBS turned yellow--afraid of a bidding war--and left the merger behind.
X-Files second season started filming July 11th according to Usenet gospel.
NBC Online, BTW, wouldn't give me more information for Earth II without me calling New York, which I have NO intention of doing. If you could help me out in NYC, please give me a hand here and see if we can get some info on Earth II.